Hi, my name is Dewansh
I'm the Unknown Developer.

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About me

A Fullstack Developer based in Delhi, India.
I'm pursuing B.Tech from Vellore institude of technology.
I have hands on experience with JavaScript, Python, Django,
C++, Firebase, Mongo and various other tech stacks.

PS: I love building software and get better at engineering stuff while doing it.

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Project APTC

A website to manage record and fees of the students.
Tech used
1. HTML5
2. CSS
3. Django
4. Bootstrap
5. Javascript
6. Jquery
7. Python

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Project ML-JR_CRM

A website for resort to manage customers and their bookings in the easiest possible way.
Tech used
1. HTML5
2. CSS
3. Django
4. Bootstrap
5. Javascript
6. Jquery
7. Python

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Project e-dhamYatra

This project is my starting point for a Flutter application. Started this project for competing in the SIH2022.
Tech used
1. Flutter
2. Dart
3. Firebase
4. swift
5. C
6. C++
7. HTML5
8. CMake

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